25/01/2025, the research paper entitled "Photosensitive Hybrid γδ-T Exosomes for Targeted Cancer Photoimmunotherapy", collaborated with Prof. Tu, was published online by ACS Nano. Congratulations!

23/01/2025, Prof. Jiang Xia from The Chinese University of Hong Kong was invited by the Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacy and Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, HKU to give a seminar on the topic of Phase-separated molecular coacervates for intracellular delivery and cancer therapies.

09/01/2025, Ms. Huiyan Sun from Shanghai Jiao Tong University joined our lab as a Ph.D student. Warm welcome!

06/01/2025, Dr. Klara Piletič from University of Oxford joined our lab as a visiting Ph.D student. Warm welcome!