17/12/2021, Dr. Weiping Wang was invited to give a talk at the 1st Biomedicine Symposium organized by Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance in Medicine.

15/12/2021, the paper entitled "Photocleavage-based photoresponsive drug delivery" was published online by Photochemistry and Photobiology. Jinzhao and Emma are the co-1st authors. Congratulations!

02/12/2021, Mr Zhou Yang won the outstanding poster presentation at the 26th Research Postgraduate Symposium. Congratulations!

01/12/2021, Kaiqi, Yang, Tianyi and Shuting participated in the 26th Research Postgraduate Symposium held by LKS Faculty of Medicine. They gave an oral presentation in front of their project posters and talked with the listeners.

30/11/2021, Dr. Weiping Wang was invited to give a talk at the 3rd International Conference on Photopharmacology. The speech topic is about photo-triggered drug delivery systems.

30/11/2021, Kaiqi, Yang, Tianyi, Shuting and Yuwei stayed up late until 2-3 am to present their posters in the virtual meeting rooms of the 3rd International Conference on Photopharmacology .

14/11/2021, Dr. Weiping Wang was invited to give a talk at the 4th International Conference on Nanomedicine, and the topic was Photoresponsive Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy.

05/11/2021, the paper entitled "One-photon red light-triggered disassembly of small-molecule nanoparticles for drug delivery" was published online by Journal of Nanobiotechnology. We collaborated with Prof. Liang Ge from China Pharmaceutical University. Kaiqi Long and Han Han are the co-1st authors. Congratulations!

21/10/2021, our paper entitled "Green Light-Triggered Intraocular Drug Release for Intravenous Chemotherapy of Retinoblastoma" was highlighted on the cover of Advanced Science Vol.8, No.20, October 20, 2021. Congratulations!

20/10/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application of our 9th invention was filed as the title of "Photocleavable prodrug-based nanomedicine for in-situ monitorable cancer therarpy".

19/10/2021, Haesun Ahn from HKU joins our group to do research via FYP program. Welcome!

21/09/2021, We gathered at the activity room of Jockey Club Building and eat the mooncake to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival!

20/09/2021, Yifan Gao from Fudan University joins our group as a new Master student. Welcome!

16/09/2021, our article entitled "Photoenhanced cytosolic protein delivery based on a photocleavable group-modified dendrimer" was published online by Nanoscale. Dr. Yafei Li and Mr. Yang Zhou are the co-1st authors. Congratulations!

13/09/2021, Dr. Lu Liu from National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) joins our lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Warm welcome!

10/09/2021, We gathered at the activity room of Jockey Club Building to celebrate the Teacher's Day!

03/09/2021, Jaehee So from HKU joins our group to do research via FYP program. Welcome!

30/08/2021, our research is in the press release (HKUMed News).

30/08/2021, after 7-day quarantine, Yichi Zhang from Wuhan University and Jinzhao Liu from Shanghai Jiao Tong University join our lab as new PhD students. Warm welcome!

27/08/2021, the paper entitled "Green Light-Triggered Intraocular Drug Release for Intravenous Chemotherapy of Retinoblastoma" was published online by Advanced Science. We collaborated with Prof. Changyou Zhan from Fudan University. Mr. Kaiqi Long is the co-1st author. Congratulations!

23/08/2021, Zihan Wang from Nankai University joins our group as a student research assistant. Welcome!

08/08/2021, the paper entitled "Photoresponsive PAMAM-Assembled Nanocarrier Loaded with Autophagy Inhibitor for Synergistic Cancer Therapy" was published online by Small. We collaborated with Prof. Longping Wen and Prof. Yunjiao Zhang from South China University of Technology. Dr. Yafei Li is the co-1st author. Congratulations!

31/07/2021, we gathered at EL CHARRO to have dinner with Dr. Wang and his family. We celebrated Yafei's PhD graduation and our recent progress. All the best to Yafei and our lab for a wonderful future!

28/07/2021, Yunong Li from East China University of Science and Technology joins our group as a student research assistant. Welcome!

28/07/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application of our 8th invention was filed as the title of "A photoresponsive prodrug for targeted therapy".

27/07/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application of our 7th invention was filed as the title of "Photoactivatable prodrug nanoparticles for combined anti-angiogenesis and photodynamic therapy".

13/07/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application of our 6th invention was filed as the title of "ROS-responsive prodrug and compositions and methods of thereof".

05/07/2021, the first PhD graduate, Dr. Yafei Li shared her 4-year PhD journey with our group members. She talked about her own experience and gave many valuable suggestions to the junior PhD students. Wish her all the best in the future!

28/06/2021, our first PhD student, Yafei Li completed the defense of the PhD thesis. Her excellent work was highly appreciated by the committee. Congratulations!

28/06/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application our 5th invention was filed as the title of "Compositions and Methods of optochemical control of mTOR signaling and mTOR-dependent autophagy".
24/06/2021, Andrew (Li Cheuk Kiu) from the University of Hong Kong joins the group as a student research assistant. Welcome!

10/06/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application our 4th invention was filed as the title of "A photoresponsive protein delivery system based on a modified PAMAM and methods thereof".

01/06/2021, invited by Prof. Shih-Jung Liu and Prof. Chen-Sheng Yeh, Dr. Wang delivered a talk at the Biomaterials International 2021 (BMI2021) conference by the Microsoft Team.

14/05/2021, the US Provisional Patent Application of our 3rd invention was filed as the title of "Compositions and methods of macropinocytosis inhibitors to treat cancers".

11/05/21 our undergraduate research student, Mr. Jieran Sun, received the Best Presentation Award from HKU Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme. Congratulations!

07/05/2021, invited by Dr. Wang, his postdoc supervisor, Prof. Robert Langer (Academic Co-Founder of Moderna, "The Edison of Medicine"), delivered the Dr. Li Dak-Sum Lecture titled "Microtechnologies and Nanotechnologies in Drug Delivery". More than 500 people joined the excellent talk: https://wanglab.org/lecture-by-prof-bob-langer/

12/04/2021, our PhD applicant, Mr. Jinzhao Liu, is awarded the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF). HKPF Scheme aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities. He will join the group in the coming September. Congratulations!

17/03/2021, the PCT Application of our 2nd invention was filed as the title of "A controlled drug release system of photoresponsive nanocarriers, methods of making and using thereof".

08/03/2021, the Chinese National Phase Application of our first invention was filed as the title of "采用长波长光激发的三重态-三重态能量转移及其方法".

16/02/2021, Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox! 新年進步!開工大吉!

10/02/2021, after 14 days of quarantine, Dr. Jia Li from Sun Yat-Sen University joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Warm welcome!

09/02/2021, our PhD applicant, Mr. Jinzhao Liu, is awarded the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (HKU-PS) for pursuing his PhD in the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, HKU. He will join the group in the coming September. Congratulations!

01/02/2021, Dr. Weirong (Emma) Kang from the University of Auckland, New Zealand joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Warm welcome!

22/01/2021, Dr. Wang was selected as one of the Thieme Chemistry Journals Awardees 2021. Congratulations!

22/01/2021, the US National Phase Application of our first invention was filed as the title of "Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer with Light Excitation at Long Wavelengths and Methods Thereof".

03/01/2021, our paper entitled “Photo-triggered nucleus targeting for cancer drug delivery” was published online by Nano Research. Yafei Li is the 1st author. Congratulations!